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The ABfaR Blog

A recent contribution on the ABfaR blog is an update for the 75th anniversary in February this year of the raid which led to the installation of an 'immediate danger' air raid warning in 1942, a warning which sounded like the call of a cuckoo. Prior to that was a brief piece about Georgette Heyer's An Infamous Army with illustrations of the maps from the 1st edition for those reading later editions without them.



Lowestoft Ephemera

I maintain another site called Old Lowestoft. It is a collection point for various ephemeral items of local historical interest. Buried within that site is Letters from Lowestoft, a collection of letters of local Lowestoft war news written during WW2.

For information about the 1916 German bombardment of Lowestoft during WW1 you can find the full text of my family's account of the bombardment on the 'Old Lowestoft' site.

Latest stock additions

I'm adding new stock as time permits, usually only 20-30 books at a time.

I have managed to add a couple of posts to my blog but little else.

I have continued buying interesting stock when it has been offered and I still have a Georgette Heyer collection waiting to be processed.

In the meantime please watch this space!


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